I had this very esoteric ( I think that's how you spell it?) conversation with a friend recently and something we were talking about was very interesting, but also made a lot of common sense when you thought about it. If you an actor that's "struggling" in your mind and your having a conversation with a casting director, director, or producer - someone of "power" your going to have a much different conversation with them that an actor who has "made it" whether it's in their own head or they are actually the lead of the picture being filmed or TV show. Since success is all relative, right off the bat you should be able to see what I'm talking about here. Think of it with another career. Think of something your an "expert" at and you know it. Your going to have a much different conversation with someone who you don't need to impress or that knows your skills, you will be much more at ease, relaxed, and enjoyable to be around. 99% of everything is mental I believe.
So our discussion continued and this is where the esoteric part came in. Obviously, it was easy to see what we were previously talking about as true, because it is. The esoteric part was that your circumstances DO actually begin to change around you the more you believe in this mindset before it's actually there. That I think is the KEY. I'm not saying be delusional and walk around like your some rockstar or Brad Pitt. However, the inherent belief in yourself is needed that you are on the same level as them and as any other human being that breathes and eats. You deserve to be there as much as anyone else. Not in a cocky and defensive way, but in a confident and cool way.
This dude already knows he's Boss. It's prob a baby pic of Manny Pacquio
There's this natural tendency that I see in a lot of people to wait for things...I don't think it gets anyone anywhere. Waiting for approval, tomorrow, respect, permission, or anything.
You want to write a book? DO IT. You want to start working out? DO IT. You want to own your own company? DO IT. Don't wait for anything or anyone to give you permission or approval to do anything you want. Sure, there are some natural steps to take along the way, but take them. Stop procrastinating. I'm a firm believer that action breeds action.
There's always reasons you think you can't do something, but they don't really exist. It's self doubt, I think. Even as I'm writing this I think " Who am I to say? " But now, I look at it as that's my own self doubt. I spent the last year being very productive and getting stuff done. Here's what I've learned.
1.) It's all about the schedule, not the to-do list. - one of the most major changes I've encountered is I used to make to do lists, cross things off, etc. Instead, yea make a list of things to do but then schedule them in and don't have distractions.
2.) Have a morning routine. - I used to always say to myself "I want to start meditating, I want to start doing visualizations, now I schedule everything into my morning routine, which also includes a cup of coffee, writing for a period of time, and exercising amongst other things, so that the rest of my day is free and clear to get stuff done.
3.) Happiness is a lot about a state of mind. Me personally, I could compare and despair and say every day that I wish I was here, or this person has this, etc, etc all of us can OR I could say look at everything I've got and how far I've come, and where I'm going. It's a perception.
These are all daily struggles. But as they say if it was easy everyone would be doing it.
There's always levels to everything and I'm always fighting my own self on things. You always are going to want to get to the next level and improve, that is natural. But as you incorporate these things into your daily routine I do know it becomes more of a habit and before you know it your doing a lot naturally. Eventually you will look back and wonder how you did all of that, and that's a good feeling. Either way just like my man Steven Tyler one of the greatest front man's of all time says "It's about the journey, not the destination"